General Team Information
What is your team / startup name?
Please enter one team member's email to be the main point of contact.
Team members: enter the names of your team members, their occupation, and school affiliation. Please note that at least one member of the team must be a current student or recent graduate from an undergraduate, Masters, or PhD program for your team to be eligible for this competition (graduated within the past three years).
Can you confirm that at least one team member will be available virtually for the Pitch Competition Semifinals on the evening of February 5, 6, OR 11, AND at least one team member will be available for the in-person finals at the MIT Media Lab on the evening of February 27?
Have you received any funding thus far? Please note that teams that have already received over $250k in funding are not eligible for this competition.
If you answered yes above, how have you funded the development of your startup so far?
What would you plan to do with the SHIP prize money? (2 sentences max).
Startup Pitch Information
Focus Area: Please indicate what segment of healthcare your startup is focusing on.
Potential areas: Digital Health, Biotech/Pharma, Medical Devices/Diagnostics, Life Sciences Technology/Operations, Other
Elevator Pitch: Give a concise description of your startup (2 sentences max).
Problem statement: Describe the problem you are solving. Why it is important? (4 sentences max).
Solution: Describe your solution, highlighting its unique features compared to existing alternatives. Quantify the potential impact of your solution (4 sentences max).
Competitors: Describe your most important competitors, highlighting any differences between your solution and theirs (4 sentences max).
Business model: Describe your business model. Who will pay for your solution, how much will they pay and how will you sell/distribute your solution? (4 sentences max).
Traction Achieved: Please outline any significant traction your startup has gained. This may include user adoption rates, partnerships formed, milestones achieved, or notable recognition in your field (2 sentences max).
Anticipated Challenges: What challenges do you anticipate and how will you address them? If relevant, describe your strategy for navigating regulatory approvals or compliance challenges (4 sentences max).
Describe your team members' relevant experience and knowledge. How is your team connected to the problem you are solving? Why is your team the best equipped to solve this problem? (2 - 4 sentences).
[Optional] Business Plan & Video Pitch
[Optional] Upload a business plan, PowerPoint or other attachment (strongly recommended).
Share with us, in 90 seconds or less, a video pitch about your product or service. Be creative! This is optional but highly recommended! Provide a link below.
Is there anything else you would like us to know?