2021 SHBC | Current Agenda
SHIP COMPETITION FINALS | Thursday, February 25, 2021 | Virtual
Note: Free, must register. Included with purchase of SHBC ticket. Learn more here and register for free here.
6:00 pm: Virtual reception for finalists and judges
7:00 PM: Keynote Speaker
Jon Bloom, MD, MBA | CEO @ Podimetrics
7:30 PM: Finalist Pitches
Intermission at 8:10 - 8:20 in between first four and last four pitches
9:00 PM: Judge Deliberation
9:15 PM: Closing and Winner Announcement
SHBC | Friday, February 26, 2021 | Virtual
9:30 AM: Networking Session 1
Featuring breakout rooms with: 1) sponsors; 2) open networking
10:00 AM: Welcome and opening Remarks
10:15 am: opening keynote (additional details here)
Kathy Fernando, PhD | Vice President and Head of Worldwide R&D and Medical Operations @ Pfizer
Networking session to follow at 11 - 11:15AM with Kathy Fernando (note: overlaps with Speaker Panels 1 & 2)
11:00 AM: Speaker PANELS 1 & 2
Panel 1: Pace of Ethics and Innovation in Genomic Medicine (additional details here)
Dannielle Appelhans, MS, MBA | CTO and SVP, Technical Operations @ Novartis Gene Therapies
Sandy Macrae, MB, ChB, PhD | CEO @ Sangamo Therapeutics
Jodi Cook, PhD | CEO and Co-founder @ Stratify Therapeutics
Moderator: Domenick Bertelli, MBA | Partner @ Putnam Associates
Panel 2: Using AI to Accelerate Discovery (additional details here)
Geoffrey Von Maltzahn, MS, PhD | General Partner @ Flagship Pioneering
Enoch Huang, PhD | VP, Simulation and Modeling Sciences @ Pfizer
Matthew Trotter, PhD | VP, Predictive Sciences @ BMS
Moderator: Sam Roosz, MBA | CEO and Co-Founder @ Crescendo Health
12:00 Pm: Networking Session 2 (Open through 1 pm)
Featuring breakout rooms with: 1) sponsors; 2) speakers from Panels 1 & 2; 3) open networking
12:30 pm: SHIP Finalist ROADSHOW
Hear winning pitches from the finalists of the Sloan Healthcare Innovations Pitch Competition
1:00 pm: MIDDAY KEYNOTE - FIRESIDE CHAT (additional details here)
Topic: The Value of Downstream Innovation - Improving Patient Access to Groundbreaking Therapies
Bill Sibold, MBA | EVP and Head of Sanofi Genzyme @ Sanofi
Moderator: Gigi Hirsch, MD | Executive Director @ MIT Center for Biomedical Innovation
1:45 PM: Speaker panels 3 & 4
Panel 3: Accelerated Refocusing and Repurposing in Times of COVID (additional details here)
Andrew Charles Adams, PhD | VP, New Therapeutic Modalities @ Eli Lilly
Maurice Exner, PhD | VP, R&D and Clinical Affairs @ Hologic
Luk Vandenberghe, MS, PhD | Associate Professor @ Harvard University
Patrick Boyle, PhD | Head of Codebase @ Ginkgo Bioworks
Moderator: Maike Scharp, MS, MD | Partner @ Boston Consulting Group
Panel 4: Innovation in Scale-Up and Supply Chains (additional details here)
Amit Srivastava, MS, PhD | Sr. Director, Emerging Markets Vaccines Medical Affairs @ Pfizer
Ademola Osigbesan, MBA | Programme Manager, Procurement and Supply Management @ Unitaid
Mandar Paralkar, MBA | Global VP, Head of Life Sciences @ SAP
Moderator: Guadalupe Hayes-Mota, MPP, MS, MBA | Director, Supply Chain @ Ultragenyx
2:45 PM: Networking Session 3 (Open through 3:45 pm)
Featuring breakout rooms with: 1) sponsors; 2) speakers from Panels 3, 4, 5 & 6; 3) open networking
3:15 PM: PANELs 5 & 6
Panel 5: Financing as a Tool for Transformation (additional details here)
Mark Bussard, MD | Founding Partner and Managing Director @ Rock Springs Capital
Ann Dewitt, PhD, MBA | General Partner @ MIT Engine
Bijan Salehizadeh, MD | Managing Director @ Navimed
Moderator: Andrew Lo, PhD | Professor of Finance @ MIT
Panel 6: The Potential and Limits of Digital Healthcare Delivery (additional details here)
Jonathan Teich, MD, PhD | Chief Medical Information Officer @ Intersystems
Christian Hicks, MS, MBA | VP, Strategy & Operations @ Maven Clinic
Anmol Madan, MS, PhD | Chief Data Scientist @ Teladoc Health
Moderator: Jonathan Rhodes, MPH | Sr. Director, Strategy, Innovation, and New Ventures @ Optum
4:15 PM: CLOSING Keynote (additional details here)
Dan Skovronsky, MD, PhD | Chief Scientific Officer, Senior Vice President of Science & Technology, and President of Lilly Research Labs @ Eli Lilly
Moderator: Harvey Lodish, PhD | Professor of Biology and Bioengineering @ MIT
5:00pm: closing remarks
5 - 5:30pm | Networking session with Bijan Salehizadeh (overlaps with Closing Remarks)